IUGONET Type-A was released in November, 2016, as a practical web service for researchers, which was evolved from the IUGONET metadata database developed in the first term. It... -
Polar Genome Project
We have been conducting research in three major areas based on genomics:(1) De novo whole genome sequencing and annotation of Antarctic organisms;(2) Functional genomics and... -
Polar and Alpine Microbial Collection (PAMC)
Polar and Alpine Microbial Collection (PAMC) is a culture collection established by Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) in 2012. As a culture collection dedicated to polar... -
Korea Curation of Antarctic Meteorites
Korea Curation of Antarctic Meteorites (KOREAMET) is a government-funded KOPRI program for recovery, classification, storage and distribution of Antarctic meteorites collected... -
Polar Environment Data Science Center
The ROIS has been established in 2004 as an Inter-university Research Institute Corporation, consisting of four national institutes (the National Institute of Polar Research... -
Argo is an international program that collects information from inside the ocean using a fleet of robotic instruments that drift with the ocean currents and move up and down... -
Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean
The "Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean" (ECCO) consortium makes the best possible estimates of ocean circulation and its role in climate. Our solutions combine... -
Ocean State Estimation at Scripps
Our group contributes to the development and production of regional ocean state estimation using the methodology developed by the ECCO consortium ( ecco.jpl.nasa.gov ). The ECCO... -
"The Italian Arctic Data Center (IADC), is part of a digital infrastructure, conceived to collect, manage, publish and disseminate the results of scientific research in the... -
Polar View
Polar View is an international consortium providing a wide variety of earth observation products that monitor the Polar Regions and mid-latitude areas affected by ice and snow.... -
copernicus Marine service
The Copernicus Marine Service (or Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) is the marine component of the Copernicus Programme of the European Union. It provides free,... -
EMODnet Physics Map
This dataset has no description
Data Integration and Analysis System
"While large changes in nature causes tremendous disasters to human society, the effects of human activities, such as global warming and destruction of ecosystems, bring about a... -
Wadden data portal
WaLTER ‘Wadden Sea Long-Term Ecosystem Research’ is a combined initiative of a number of institutes and organisations that carry out multiannual measurements and research in the... -
"SeaDataNet has federated open digital repositories to manage, access and share data, information, products and knowledge originating from oceanographic fleets, new automatic... -
NIOZ Dataverse
Browse our dataverse for datasets published with a NIOZ DOI showing the meta data, dataset and documents for downloading. -
ODIS Catalogue
The Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) will provide an interoperability layer and supporting technology to allow existing and emerging ocean data and information systems,... -
Collection of rocks and minerals from Antarctica
Japanes Collection of rocks and minerals from Antarctica -
Sea Ice Remote Sensing database
On this website you find sea ice datasets from satellite remote sensing observations produced at the University of Bremen. All datasets are research products provided without... -
SISMER (Scientific Information Systems for the Sea)
SISMER (Scientific Information Systems for the Sea) is Ifremer's service in charge of managing numerous marine databases and information systems which Ifremer is responsible for...