Polar Environment Data Science Center

The ROIS has been established in 2004 as an Inter-university Research Institute Corporation, consisting of four national institutes (the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), the National Institute of Informatics (NII), the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) and the National Institute of Genetics (NIG)). The third term of the ROIS has started since 2016. The DS has been established in 2016 at the start of the third term as a flagship platform of the ROIS, whose purpose is to strengthen the function of the ROIS to promote the support activities for universities and other external communities.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Source http://pedsc.rois.ac.jp/en/database
Last Updated April 12, 2022, 12:22 (UTC)
Created April 6, 2022, 06:26 (UTC)
Country Japan
Data Management "NIPR is responsible for the proper use and management of data collected as a result of NIPR-related activities. The PDC is in charge of data management. Following Article I.1.c of the 1998 Antarctic Treaty, affliate countries are obliged to ensure thatscientific data collected from Antarctic observation programs can be freely exchanged and utilized. At the 22nd ATCM meeting of cooperative countries of 1998 Antarctic Treaty, it was established that each country would be required to establish a National Antarctic Data Centre (NADC) and to properly disclose data collected from scientists. The PDC at NIPR performs the function of a NADC for Japan."
Data Policy "Metadata are essential to the discovery, access, and effective use of data. All IPY data must be accompanied by a full set of metadata that completely document and describe the data. In accordance with the ISO standard Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)(CCSDS 2002), complete metadata may be defined as all the information necessary for data to be independently understood by users and to ensure proper stewardship of the data. Regardless of any data access restrictions or delays in delivery of the data itself, all IPY projects must promptly provide basic descriptive metadata of collected data in an internationally recognized, standard format to an appropriate catalog or registry. IPY data are those data generated during the IPY timeframe(March 2007-March 2009) by the specific projects endorsed by the ICSU/WMO Joint Committee as IPY projects. This policy applies specifically to those data. It should be recognized, however, that IPY researchers will use IPY-related data from outside sources, such as from existing operational data streams and historical sources. Where appropriate, this data policy data should apply to those IPY-related data as well. A subset of data both generated and used by IPY need special policy and access considerations, because they are legitimately restricted in some way. Access to these data may be restricted because they are about human subjects, because there may be intellectual property issues, or because there is a situation where release of the data may cause harm to the public or environment(e.g, the location of nesting sites for an endangered species)."
Data Sharing Principle "In accordance with the Twelfth WMO Congress, Resolution 40(Cg-XII,1995) · the Thirteenth WMO Congress, Resolution 25(Cg XII,1999) · the ICSU 1996 General Assembly Resolution · the ICSU Assessment on Scientific Data and Information (ICSU 2004b) · Article II-1c from the Antarctic Treaty · the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Data Exchange Policy and in order to maximize the benefit of data gathered under the auspices of the IPY, theIPY Joint Committee requires that IPY data, including operational data delivered in real time, are made available fully, freely, openly, and on the shortest feasible timescale. The only exceptions to this policy of full, free, and open access are:· where human subjects are involved, confidentiality must be protected · where local and traditional knowledge is concerned, rights of the knowledge holders shall not be compromised · where data release may cause harm, specific aspects of "
Database Level National
Host Institute Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research
Opening Degree Open
Organizer Research Organization of Information and Systems
Region Antarctic and Arctic
Source of Data Policy Derived
Theme Climate