Lake water levels are important indicators of global environmental changes and dynamics of water resources. High Mountain Asia is a region dotted with lakes, and monitoring lake level changes is important for the research of climate and ecological changes in the region. However, it is extremely difficult to carry out ground measurements of lake levels due to scarce hydrological sites. The development of satellite altimetry technology is conducive to monitoring lake level changes. In this study, a dataset of lake level changes from 2002 to 2017 for 87 lakes in High Mountain Asia was compiled through lake boundary delineation, water level calculation, outlier removal, Gaussian filtering, and elevation system conversion, and developed based on multi-altimeter data and MODIS images. The dataset includes the daily water level, the monthly and annual average water levels, and annual rate of lake level changes for 87 lakes, and can provide fundamental data for monitoring the dynamic lake changes in High Mountain Asia, studying the climate and environmental changes and managing the water resources in this region.