137 datasets found

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  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.10

    Abstract: The Arctic sea ice cover is reducing rapidly, which has strong local climate impacts but also remote effects over the Eurasian continent. Results will be presented...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.9

    Abstract: Landfast ice is nearly immobile sea ice attached to the coast.Landfast ice inhibits atmo- sphere-ocean fluxes of heat moisture, and momentumleads to offshore flaw...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.8

    Abstract: The polar ice sheets are a large store of freshwater in the global climate system.The Ant arctic and Greenland lce Sheets have an approximate water equivalent of 57m...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.7

    Abstract: Variations in Arctic sea ice are not only apparent in the extent and thickness but also in its inter nal properties.The microstructure of summer Arctic sea ice changes...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.6

    The thesis can be found: https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/339471 The thesis consists following articles: I) Naakka T., et al.,, 2018, Arctic humidity inversions:...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.5

    Abstract: Antarctic sea ice shows a great importance in the heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere in the Southern hemisphere, and the variations of sea ice would reflect...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.4

    Abstract: Arctic sea ice is a vital indicator of global environment change, influencing the Earth’s surface energy balance, air-sea heat and mass exchange, atmospheric...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.3

    Abstract: Strong offshore wind events (SOWEs) occur frequently near the Antarctic coast during austral winter. These wind events are typically associated with passage of...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.2

    Abstract: Interactions between the land surface and climate are complex as a range of physical, chemical and biological processes take place. Changes in the land surface or...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.1

    Abstract: In this study, sea ice concentration (SIC) budgets were calculated for five ocean-sea ice reanalyses (CFSR, C-GLORSv7, GLORYS12v1, NEMO-EnKF and ORAS5), in the...
  • Arctic Ostracode Database

    The Arctic Ostracode Database provides species census data for about 100 species of benthic marine Ostracoda from modern surface and late Quaternary sediments from various parts...
  • GRDC(Global Runoff Data Centre)

    "The Global Runoff Data Centre is an international data centre operating under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Established in 1988 to support the...
  • HELCOM Map and Data Service (HELCOM MADS)

    "HELCOM Map and Data Service (HELCOM MADS) contains all geospatial data relevant for HELCOM work from status assessments to shipping density maps. The HELCOM Map and Data...
  • Ocean State Estimation at Scripps

    Our group contributes to the development and production of regional ocean state estimation using the methodology developed by the ECCO consortium ( ecco.jpl.nasa.gov ). The ECCO...
  • Collection of rocks and minerals from Antarctica

    Japanes Collection of rocks and minerals from Antarctica
  • Keystone Archives Descriptive Database

    The Keystone Archives Descriptive Database is the online guide to the archival holdings of the Archives of Manitoba.
  • SLF Startseite Daten und Monitoring

    WSL und SLF sammeln Umweltdaten in der ganzen Schweiz, analysieren sie und dokumentieren daraus vergangene Entwicklungen oder berechnen mit Hilfe von Modellen mögliche Trends...
  • Marine raw material database (Marta)

    The MARTA meta-database holds information on shallow seismic geophysical data stored in the GEUS archives. Besides information collected by GEUS and cooperating partners, MARTA...
  • SPT Data Releases

    "The SPT is a 10-meter diameter microwave / millimeter / sub-millimeter telescope located at the NSF Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, which is the best currently operational...
  • Russia Antarctic Expedition data

    Проект ФЦП “ Комплексные исследования Антарктики” был представлен в Экспертный Совет при Правительстве Российской Федерации и получил одобрение. В связи с выходом Указа...