Avalanche Canada database
Avalanche Canada is a non-government, not-for-profit organization dedicated to public avalanche safety. We issue daily avalanche forecasts throughout the winter for much of the... -
OBIS Canada
“OBIS Canada” is the Canadian regional OBIS node and along with the Ocean Tracking Network thematic OBIS node represents Canada’s contribution to this global initiative.... -
SLF Startseite Daten und Monitoring
WSL und SLF sammeln Umweltdaten in der ganzen Schweiz, analysieren sie und dokumentieren daraus vergangene Entwicklungen oder berechnen mit Hilfe von Modellen mögliche Trends... -
SGU Geological data
The Geological Survey of Sweden – SGU – is the expert agency for issues relating to bedrock, soil and groundwater in Sweden.All the information collected by SGU by means of... -
archive DiVA
he Swedish Polar Bibliography comprises scientific literature with connection to Swedish research in the Arctic and Antarctica, primarily within the scope of the SWEDARCTIC and... -
Научные публикации сотрудников ФИЦ КНЦ РАН
Мы рады приветствовать вас на странице Кольского научного центра Российской Академии наук – единственного в России федерального исследовательского центра, расположенного за... -
Специализированные массивы
"Задача подготовки высококачественных массивов данных необходимых для изучения изменений климатических условий на территории России является одной из приоритетных задач в рамках... -
Центр охраны дикой природы (Biodiveristy Conservation Center)
The Biodiversity Conservation Center (BCC) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization working for restoration and protection of pristine nature allover Northern Eurasia. -
BIRD - NIBIOs Research Data Repository
"BIRD - NIBIOs Research Data Repository This instituational repository offers access to publicly available research data produced in our research projects." -
Agrometeorology Norway (LMT) provides weather data from the main agricultural regions in Norway for use in forecast services and research -
NIBIO's Scientific Publications
This list contains articles, books and chapters that are published in authorised publication channels in The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.... -
Statistics Norway database
Statistics Norway is the national statistical institute of Norway and the main producer of official statistics. We are responsible for collecting, producing and communicating... -
Norwegian Meteorological Institute Free meteorological data
"The data under the hood of Yr has been approved as a digital public good, as the first of its kind. The Digital Public Goods Alliance, led by UNICEF (UN), is responsible for... -
Norway’s Geological Survey Database
Information from the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) is made available under Norwegian license for open government data (NLOD). When using information from the Geological... -
AMAP Project Directory
"The AMAP Project Directory (AMAP PD) is a catalog of projects and activities that contribute to assessment and monitoring in the Arctic. The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment... -
Statistics Iceland database
Statistics Iceland is the National Statistical Institute of Iceland and was founded in 1914. Statistics Iceland is the centre for official statistics in Iceland and has the... -
SmartSMEAR is a data visualization and download tool for the database of continuous atmospheric, flux, soil, tree physiological and water quality measurements at SMEAR research... -
This is geo.fi – the website is a centralised and up-to-date interface service for browsing and downloading geological documents and spatial data products. It also includes an... -
SGO Data Archive
"The Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory performs continuous measurements of the Earth's magnetic field, cosmic radio noise, seismic activities, and cosmic rays. The observatory... -
DMI's Frie Data
"DMI indsamler hvert minut store mængder vejr-, hav- og klimadata, der bruges i DMI’s udarbejdelse af vejrudsigter, varsler, klimadata, samt vejr- og klimamodeller. DMI giver i...