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报告内容: 全球气温在过去几十年持续升高,北极的升温速率大约是全球平均升温速率的2倍,即北极放大效应 (Arctic amplification)... -
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报告内容:受“北极放大”效应影响,北极海冰正在以前所未有的速度快速融化,为北极航运业的发展带来了重要机遇,也使得北极航道的开发问题逐渐成为学界乃至社会关注的热点。但目前仍存在诸如对北极航道历史变化规律的研究仅停留在间接认识水平、气候模式预测航道未来通航潜力结论迥异且不确定性大等认识不足问题。研究综合利用多源海冰观测数据,基于国际海事组织最新发布的POL... -
报告内容:在中俄共建“冰上丝绸之路”的大背景下,北极航运和可持续发展的机遇与挑战并存。本报告从全球大变局的视野,分析全球经济和中国经济的变化,以及世界航运的变革方向。北极航线的开通,使中欧之间的航程缩短,节省船舶航行时间,大大降低航运成本。针对北极东北航线,结合中远北极历史航次数据,从航行里程、燃油消耗、护航费用等角度,分析海冰对航线经济性的影响,对于... -
报告内容: 极地环境与气候的快速变化及其影响是全球科学界和政府最为关注的话题之一。极地自然环境恶劣,难以到达,因此观测数据极为缺乏,急需建立空天地海立体观监测平台以获取时空连续的极地数据,提升对极地环境与气候变化的认知水平,回答全球变化的关键科学问题,对极地和全球气候的未来变化做出准确预测。... -
数字极地报告_第五期(杨大庆-Enviroment Canada)
报告内容:Due to strong climate warming in the northern regions over the past several decades, arctic hydrology and permafrost have changed substantially. Many recent studies... -
报告内容:全球气候和海洋变化对南极、格陵兰岛的冰川造成严重影响,已经导致极地冰川大范围的快速消融。 2003- 2019,极地冰川的消融已经导致全球海平面升高约14... -
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报告内容:极地海冰及其雪盖是全球气候系统的重要组成部分,随着气候变暖,北极海冰的范围和厚度发生显著变化,对北极和北半球天气气候产生重要影响。卫星测高是获取海盆尺度海冰厚度的最主要手段,为气候研究和季节预测等关键应用提供重要支撑。本报告主要介绍海冰和冰上积雪厚度反演的现状和前沿性问题,重点介绍现有测高算法的不确定性和改进方法,以及冰上积雪重建的国际现状和... -
报告内容:全球和区域的水循环时空分布及变化特征研究中,现有能力的水平无论是模型预报还是观测方面还都相当有限。国际上现有的或规划近期发射的,针对水循环要素的地球观测卫星的测量能力还远不能满足水循环研究的需求。针对相关需求以及目前遥感监测中存在的缺陷和问题,创新性地设计和提出国际上第一颗新型自主的、多要素的综合水循环观测卫星-中法水循环观测卫星计划(Chi... -
A dataset of glacier mass balance of Hailuogou catchment in Mount Gongga, sou...
Glacier mass balance is among the clearest natural indicators of ongoing climate change and is important for the assessment of water resources and sea-level rise. However, few... -
MODIS daily cloud-free snow cover products over Tibetan Plateau
Snow cover over Tibetan Plateau plays an important role in regional water andenergy circulation. Snow ablation also affects downstream rivers. Snow parameters and their longterm... -
Annual 30-meter Dataset for Glacial Lakes in High Mountain Asia from 2008 to ...
Climate change is intensifying glacier melting and lake development in High Mountain Asia (HMA), which could increase glacial lake outburst flood hazards and impact water... -
Constructing dataset of classified drainage areas based on surface water-supp...
The High Mountain Asia (HMA) region is a geographical unit, holds the largest reservoir of glaciers and snow outside Earth poles. Four datasets were thus obtained: Glacier- and... -
Passive microwave remote sensing data of snow water equivalent in High Asia
High Asia is a high-altitude region in Asia dominated by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is an important distribution area for snow in the middle and low latitudes. The dynamic... -
A dataset of glacier distribution and glacier changes in the Kangri Karpo Mou...
Located in southeastern Tibetan Plateau, the Kangri Karpo Mountains extents about 280 km from north-west to south-east, south of Bomê County and neighboring Motuo, Zayü and Basu... -
A dataset of microwave brightness temperature and freeze-thaw for medium-to-l...
High Asia is a region dotted with lakes, sensitive to changes that are occurring in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere. It is thus a focus for researchers. Due to...