213 datasets found

Organizations: INTAROS - Intergrated Arctic Observation System Formats: SHP,TIF Groups: An Inventory of Database for Earth Three Poles

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  • Basic geographic data

    Map data in vector and raster formats,Visualization: Raster layer/background map
  • CLIVAR(Climate and Ocean - Variability, Predictability, and Change)

    "The CLIVAR project was launched in 1995 building on the successes of the Tropical Ocean – Global Atmosphere Project (TOGA) and the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) to...
  • Arctic Ostracode Database

    The Arctic Ostracode Database provides species census data for about 100 species of benthic marine Ostracoda from modern surface and late Quaternary sediments from various parts...
  • Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research Site

    The Arctic Long Term Ecological Research (ARC LTER) site is part of a network of sites(link is external) established by the National Science Foundation to support long-term...
  • GRDC(Global Runoff Data Centre)

    "The Global Runoff Data Centre is an international data centre operating under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Established in 1988 to support the...
  • PAGES(Past Global Changes)

    "PAGES (Past Global Changes) provides support for the gathering and synthesis of observations, reconstructions, and the modeling of climate, ecosystem, environmental and...
  • Arctic Portal

    "Providing access to news, data, information and organizations across the Arctic, facilitating information sharing and cooperation between public and private parties, carrying...
  • HELCOM Map and Data Service (HELCOM MADS)

    "HELCOM Map and Data Service (HELCOM MADS) contains all geospatial data relevant for HELCOM work from status assessments to shipping density maps. The HELCOM Map and Data...

    EBAS is a database infrastructure developed and operated by NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research. It is designed to document, quality assure, secure long-term storage and...
  • COLD Database

    The COLD Database contains content from three separate initiatives that relate to cold regions. These initiatives are:Permafrost Monthly Alert; Antarctic Bibliography;...
  • ENVINET Activities Catalog

    "ENVINET (European network for arctic-alpine multidiciplanary environmental research) is a research infrastructure network focusing on multidisciplinary environmental research...
  • Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP)

    "The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) is an international network of scientists, governments, Indigenous organizations and conservation groups working to...
  • Antarctic Science Platform Knowledge Hub

    " outputs and information. We aim to share and communicate our research, to benefit New Zealand and the international community. You can browse, filter by category or type, or...

    "The EUROCHAMP Data Centre provides scientists with free and open access to data from simulation chamber experiments as well as mature products and tools that support activities...
  • Actris Data Centre

    The ACTRIS Data Centre (ACTRIS DC) is developed through the EU project Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network (URI: http://www.actris.eu) within the...
  • National Antarctic Data Center (NADC)

    Subject areas investigated monitored in the frame of PNRA: oceanography , glaciology , geology , marine and terrestrial biology , ecosystems , atmospheric sciences, astrophysics...
  • Quantarctica

    "Quantarctica is a collection of Antarctic geographical datasets for research, education, operations, and management in Antarctica, and let you explore, import, visualize, and...
  • IUGONET Type-A

    IUGONET Type-A was released in November, 2016, as a practical web service for researchers, which was evolved from the IUGONET metadata database developed in the first term. It...
  • Polar Genome Project

    We have been conducting research in three major areas based on genomics:(1) De novo whole genome sequencing and annotation of Antarctic organisms;(2) Functional genomics and...
  • Polar and Alpine Microbial Collection (PAMC)

    Polar and Alpine Microbial Collection (PAMC) is a culture collection established by Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) in 2012. As a culture collection dedicated to polar...