215 datasets found

Formats: TXT Groups: 西藏高原大气环境重点实验室

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  • AMRC database

    The development of the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC) was a marriage between the AWS project and the Man computer Interactive Data Access System (McIDAS)...
  • Yukon Conservation Data Centre data

    The Yukon Conservation Data Centre (CDC) maps the known localities of plants, animals and ecosystems that are of conservation concern. You can search and view this data using...
  • Keystone Archives Descriptive Database

    The Keystone Archives Descriptive Database is the online guide to the archival holdings of the Archives of Manitoba.
  • Avalanche Canada database

    Avalanche Canada is a non-government, not-for-profit organization dedicated to public avalanche safety. We issue daily avalanche forecasts throughout the winter for much of the...
  • OBIS Canada

    “OBIS Canada” is the Canadian regional OBIS node and along with the Ocean Tracking Network thematic OBIS node represents Canada’s contribution to this global initiative....
  • SLF Startseite Daten und Monitoring

    WSL und SLF sammeln Umweltdaten in der ganzen Schweiz, analysieren sie und dokumentieren daraus vergangene Entwicklungen oder berechnen mit Hilfe von Modellen mögliche Trends...
  • SGU Geological data

    The Geological Survey of Sweden – SGU – is the expert agency for issues relating to bedrock, soil and groundwater in Sweden.All the information collected by SGU by means of...
  • archive DiVA

    he Swedish Polar Bibliography comprises scientific literature with connection to Swedish research in the Arctic and Antarctica, primarily within the scope of the SWEDARCTIC and...
  • Научные публикации сотрудников ФИЦ КНЦ РАН

    Мы рады приветствовать вас на странице Кольского научного центра Российской Академии наук – единственного в России федерального исследовательского центра, расположенного за...
  • Специализированные массивы

    "Задача подготовки высококачественных массивов данных необходимых для изучения изменений климатических условий на территории России является одной из приоритетных задач в рамках...
  • Центр охраны дикой природы (Biodiveristy Conservation Center)

    The Biodiversity Conservation Center (BCC) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization working for restoration and protection of pristine nature allover Northern Eurasia.
  • BIRD - NIBIOs Research Data Repository

    "BIRD - NIBIOs Research Data Repository This instituational repository offers access to publicly available research data produced in our research projects."
  • LMT

    Agrometeorology Norway (LMT) provides weather data from the main agricultural regions in Norway for use in forecast services and research
  • NIBIO's Scientific Publications

    This list contains articles, books and chapters that are published in authorised publication channels in The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers....
  • Statistics Norway database

    Statistics Norway is the national statistical institute of Norway and the main producer of official statistics. We are responsible for collecting, producing and communicating...
  • Norwegian Meteorological Institute Free meteorological data

    "The data under the hood of Yr has been approved as a digital public good, as the first of its kind. The Digital Public Goods Alliance, led by UNICEF (UN), is responsible for...
  • Norway’s Geological Survey Database

    Information from the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) is made available under Norwegian license for open government data (NLOD). When using information from the Geological...
  • AMAP Project Directory

    "The AMAP Project Directory (AMAP PD) is a catalog of projects and activities that contribute to assessment and monitoring in the Arctic. The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment...
  • Statistics Iceland database

    Statistics Iceland is the National Statistical Institute of Iceland and was founded in 1914. Statistics Iceland is the centre for official statistics in Iceland and has the...
  • SmartSMEAR

    SmartSMEAR is a data visualization and download tool for the database of continuous atmospheric, flux, soil, tree physiological and water quality measurements at SMEAR research...