Deep geothermal energy portal
The portal compiles our knowledge about geothermal energy and this is where stakeholders in the geothermal energy industry and the authorities get the big picture of the... -
Marine raw material database (Marta)
The MARTA meta-database holds information on shallow seismic geophysical data stored in the GEUS archives. Besides information collected by GEUS and cooperating partners, MARTA... -
National geophysical database (GERDA)
Her på siden finder du information om data i den landsdækkende database for overfladenær geofysik – GERDA. Desuden finder du oplysninger om udvekslingsformater og muligheder for... -
Greenland Subsurface and Seep Data
Here you will find information about boreholes, geophysical surveys and geochemical studies related to petroleum exploration and associated activities in Greenland. -
Subsurface data Denmark database
In the database, you will find a host of information on boreholes and geophysical surveys collected from exploration for and production of oil and gas and other uses of the... -
National well database (Jupiter)
Jupiter is GEUS’ nationwide database for groundwater, drinking water, raw materials, environmental and geotechnical data. The database is the common public database within the... -
Greenland Mineral Resources Portal
The Greenland Mineral Resources Portal is an entry point to all available information about mineral resources in Greenland. It gives mineral exploration companies, scientists... -
Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal
This portal allows you to explore tried and tested climate change adaptation solutions for mountain regions, see where they have been implemented, and by who. Use the filters... -
Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland
The «Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland» is the result of a collaborative effort by Swiss hydrologists and has provided basic hydrological information, specialist knowledge and... -
Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN)
The aim of MIREN is to understand the effects of global change on species’ distributions and biodiversity in mountainous areas. MIREN got founded in 2005 with a focus on the... -
The Arctic Infrastructure Inventory (AII) tracks infrastructure projects in the Arctic. With nearly 8,000 projects listed, and thousands more that will be added as it grows, AII... -
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) web-site
The Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) is a governmental institution under the Ministry of the Environment and NaturalResources .the web-site ensuring the accumulation and... -
The Arctic Space Centre
Sodankylä National Satellite Data Centre focuses on fast delivery remote sensing product generation for scientific and commercial uses. The data center's high performance... -
METIS - FMI’s Research Data Repository
"The FMI research data repository METIS is provided by EUDAT and enables the institute data to be preserved, discovered, and accessed. FMI’s researchers are strongly encouraged... -
SPT Data Releases
"The SPT is a 10-meter diameter microwave / millimeter / sub-millimeter telescope located at the NSF Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, which is the best currently operational... -
SOOSmap gives you access to data from key circumpolar research programmes. In SOOSmap, you can explore temporal, spatial, and thematic distributions of observing platforms.... -
Southern Ocean Diet and Energetics Database
Information related to diet and energy flow is fundamental to a diverse range of Antarctic and Southern Ocean biological and ecosystem studies. The Expert Group on Antarctic... -
Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research (SDLS)
"The Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research (SDLS) was created in April 1991 under the auspices of SCAR to provide open access to all multichannel... -
OCEAN-READER is a portal to oceanography data that may be of interest to those concerned with climate change at high southern latitudes. Its main focus is temperature, salinity... -
MET-READER database
The MET-READER database contains monthly mean surface and upper air climatological data derived from the in-situ meteorological observations made at Antarctic stations with...