147 datasets found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Groups: CNISDE数字极地专委员会

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  • 数字极地报告_第八期(曹云锋-北京林业大学)

  • 数字极地报告_第七期(蔡梅江-中国远洋海运集团)

  • 数字极地报告_第六期(程晓-中山大学)

    报告内容: 极地环境与气候的快速变化及其影响是全球科学界和政府最为关注的话题之一。极地自然环境恶劣,难以到达,因此观测数据极为缺乏,急需建立空天地海立体观监测平台以获取时空连续的极地数据,提升对极地环境与气候变化的认知水平,回答全球变化的关键科学问题,对极地和全球气候的未来变化做出准确预测。...
  • 数字极地报告_第五期(杨大庆-Enviroment Canada)

    报告内容:Due to strong climate warming in the northern regions over the past several decades, arctic hydrology and permafrost have changed substantially. Many recent studies...
  • 数字极地报告_第四期(王显威-上海交通大学海洋学院)

    报告内容:全球气候和海洋变化对南极、格陵兰岛的冰川造成严重影响,已经导致极地冰川大范围的快速消融。 2003- 2019,极地冰川的消融已经导致全球海平面升高约14...
  • 数字极地报告_第二期(徐世明-清华大学地球系统科学系)

  • 数字极地报告_第一期(施建成-中科院国家空间科学中心)

  • IODP Bremen Core Repository

    The Bre­men Core Re­pos­it­ory - BCR, for International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and Deep Sea...
  • The CEDA Archive

    The CEDA Archive accepts data relevant to Atmospheric Sciences and Earth ObservatiThe CEDA Archive operates the atmospheric and earth observation data centre functions on behalf...
  • Data Center for Aurora in NIPR

    PEDSC is responsible for data archiving and dissemination of all-sky camera observations, visual observations, other optical observations (such as TV and photometric...
  • AnneBF/snownet: snownet_v1.1

    As part of the preparation for the CIMR mission, we explore a new approach to retrieve snow depth on sea ice from multi-frequency satellite microwave radiometer measurements...
  • ERMA with EPPR Arctic Oil Spill response Database

    EPPR was established in 1991 and has been working since to enhance cooperation, information sharing, data collection and addressing gaps in the field of Arctic emergencies....
  • Operation Ice Bridge (OIB) Data

    Operation Ice Bridge (OIB) was a flight campaign conducted in March and April 2009–2015 by NASA (Kurtz et al., 2013). The onboard snow radar provides snow depth measurements by...

    ICIMOD believes that access to timely and high-quality data is essential to promote and accelerate learning on the challenges facing mountain ecosystems and their people; enable...
  • HimalDoc

    ICIMOD’s central document repository and online digital library, HimalDoc is a one-stop portal for publications, journal articles, reports, theses, photos, multimedia and other...
  • iceREADER

    This data base, sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, (SCAR), will host basic data from ice cores of the Antarctic Continent. The goal is to compile a...