132 datasets found

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  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.9

    Abstract: Landfast ice is nearly immobile sea ice attached to the coast.Landfast ice inhibits atmo- sphere-ocean fluxes of heat moisture, and momentumleads to offshore flaw...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.8

    Abstract: The polar ice sheets are a large store of freshwater in the global climate system.The Ant arctic and Greenland lce Sheets have an approximate water equivalent of 57m...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.7

    Abstract: Variations in Arctic sea ice are not only apparent in the extent and thickness but also in its inter nal properties.The microstructure of summer Arctic sea ice changes...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.6

    The thesis can be found: https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/339471 The thesis consists following articles: I) Naakka T., et al.,, 2018, Arctic humidity inversions:...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.5

    Abstract: Antarctic sea ice shows a great importance in the heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere in the Southern hemisphere, and the variations of sea ice would reflect...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.4

    Abstract: Arctic sea ice is a vital indicator of global environment change, influencing the Earth’s surface energy balance, air-sea heat and mass exchange, atmospheric...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.3

    Abstract: Strong offshore wind events (SOWEs) occur frequently near the Antarctic coast during austral winter. These wind events are typically associated with passage of...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.2

    Abstract: Interactions between the land surface and climate are complex as a range of physical, chemical and biological processes take place. Changes in the land surface or...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.1

    Abstract: In this study, sea ice concentration (SIC) budgets were calculated for five ocean-sea ice reanalyses (CFSR, C-GLORSv7, GLORYS12v1, NEMO-EnKF and ORAS5), in the...
  • Arctic sea ice drifting buoy(2018.01-2018.09)

    Starting points: 76.998, 179.130 End point: 81.771, 168.588 Roughly covered sea: the East Siberian Sea Buoy number: 300234062559750
  • Arctic sea ice drifting buoy(2018.02-2018.08)

    Starting points: 72.119, -139.730 End points: 73.332, -169.653 Roughly covered sea: Beaufort Sea Buoy number: 300234065164080
  • Arctic sea ice drifting buoy(2019.1-2019.12)

    Buoy number: 300234066036110 Starting point: 74.425, -137.130 End: 75.481, -170.394 Approximate sea coverage: Beaufort Sea
  • Arctic sea ice drifting buoy(2019.01-2019.08)

    Buoy number: 300234065494020 Starting point: 74.774, -148.631 End point: 73.015, -137.530 Approximate sea coverage: Beaufort Sea
  • Arctic sea ice drifting buoy(2019.01-2019.12)

    Buoy number: 300234062880820 Starting point: 78.320, -167.886 End point: 83.562, -151.835 Approximate sea coverage: the central region of the Arctic
  • Arctic sea ice drifting buoy(2020.01-2020.04)

    Buoy number: 174640 Starting points: 79.743, 65.388 End: 76.380, 56.401 Approximate sea coverage: Barents Sea
  • Arctic sea ice drifting buoy(2020.09-2020.11)

    Buoy number: 300534060210350 Starting point: 78.880, -158.499 End point: 81.387, -158.309 Approximate sea coverage: Beaufort Sea
  • IODP Bremen Core Repository

    The Bre­men Core Re­pos­it­ory - BCR, for International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and Deep Sea...
  • The CEDA Archive

    The CEDA Archive accepts data relevant to Atmospheric Sciences and Earth ObservatiThe CEDA Archive operates the atmospheric and earth observation data centre functions on behalf...
  • Data Center for Aurora in NIPR

    PEDSC is responsible for data archiving and dissemination of all-sky camera observations, visual observations, other optical observations (such as TV and photometric...
  • AnneBF/snownet: snownet_v1.1

    As part of the preparation for the CIMR mission, we explore a new approach to retrieve snow depth on sea ice from multi-frequency satellite microwave radiometer measurements...