229 datasets found

Organizations: INTAROS - Intergrated Arctic Observation System Formats: SHP Groups: An Inventory of Database for Earth Three Poles

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  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.9

    Abstract: Landfast ice is nearly immobile sea ice attached to the coast.Landfast ice inhibits atmo- sphere-ocean fluxes of heat moisture, and momentumleads to offshore flaw...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.8

    Abstract: The polar ice sheets are a large store of freshwater in the global climate system.The Ant arctic and Greenland lce Sheets have an approximate water equivalent of 57m...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.7

    Abstract: Variations in Arctic sea ice are not only apparent in the extent and thickness but also in its inter nal properties.The microstructure of summer Arctic sea ice changes...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.6

    The thesis can be found: https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/339471 The thesis consists following articles: I) Naakka T., et al.,, 2018, Arctic humidity inversions:...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.5

    Abstract: Antarctic sea ice shows a great importance in the heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere in the Southern hemisphere, and the variations of sea ice would reflect...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.4

    Abstract: Arctic sea ice is a vital indicator of global environment change, influencing the Earth’s surface energy balance, air-sea heat and mass exchange, atmospheric...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.3

    Abstract: Strong offshore wind events (SOWEs) occur frequently near the Antarctic coast during austral winter. These wind events are typically associated with passage of...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.2

    Abstract: Interactions between the land surface and climate are complex as a range of physical, chemical and biological processes take place. Changes in the land surface or...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.1

    Abstract: In this study, sea ice concentration (SIC) budgets were calculated for five ocean-sea ice reanalyses (CFSR, C-GLORSv7, GLORYS12v1, NEMO-EnKF and ORAS5), in the...
  • Island and reef economic belt data

    Other subtasks of the topic are provided,Visualization: Vector layers/and background map overlays
  • Data such as seaports, research sites

    Visualization: Vector layers/and background map overlays
  • Shipping and scientific expeditions track data

    Visualization: Vector layers/and background map overlays
  • Sea ice edge products

    Visualization: Vector layers/and background map overlays
  • Vessel position data

    Vector layers (point and line layers)/point sequences, track lines
  • CLIVAR(Climate and Ocean - Variability, Predictability, and Change)

    "The CLIVAR project was launched in 1995 building on the successes of the Tropical Ocean – Global Atmosphere Project (TOGA) and the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) to...
  • Arctic Ostracode Database

    The Arctic Ostracode Database provides species census data for about 100 species of benthic marine Ostracoda from modern surface and late Quaternary sediments from various parts...
  • Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research Site

    The Arctic Long Term Ecological Research (ARC LTER) site is part of a network of sites(link is external) established by the National Science Foundation to support long-term...
  • GRDC(Global Runoff Data Centre)

    "The Global Runoff Data Centre is an international data centre operating under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Established in 1988 to support the...
  • PAGES(Past Global Changes)

    "PAGES (Past Global Changes) provides support for the gathering and synthesis of observations, reconstructions, and the modeling of climate, ecosystem, environmental and...
  • Arctic Portal

    "Providing access to news, data, information and organizations across the Arctic, facilitating information sharing and cooperation between public and private parties, carrying...