CASIWAL Presentation NO.10
Abstract: The Arctic sea ice cover is reducing rapidly, which has strong local climate impacts but also remote effects over the Eurasian continent. Results will be presented... -
报告内容:受“北极放大”效应影响,北极海冰正在以前所未有的速度快速融化,为北极航运业的发展带来了重要机遇,也使得北极航道的开发问题逐渐成为学界乃至社会关注的热点。但目前仍存在诸如对北极航道历史变化规律的研究仅停留在间接认识水平、气候模式预测航道未来通航潜力结论迥异且不确定性大等认识不足问题。研究综合利用多源海冰观测数据,基于国际海事组织最新发布的POL... -
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Ice Mass Balance Buyo data deployed in Arctic on 10.08.2018
Two sets of Ice Mass Balance buyo were deployed in Arctic during the CHINARE9. One works for 9 months and the other works for 14 months. Temperature profiles of...