高山与极地寒区(HiMAC)系列培训班-—002(Matti Leppäranta 芬兰赫尔辛基大学)
授课人:Matti Leppäranta 芬兰赫尔辛基大学荣誉教授,中国科学院PIFI国际专家人才。1992年起担任赫尔辛基大学教授长期从事河湖海冰教学与研究工作,在水文和冰冻圈领域指导研究生工作,发表学术论文达400多篇,出版专著3部。自1988年与中国研究人员保持长期稳定学术合作关系。 授课内容: 课程对湖冰的物理原理进行了概述。... -
A dataset of microwave brightness temperature and freeze-thaw for medium-to-l...
High Asia is a region dotted with lakes, sensitive to changes that are occurring in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere. It is thus a focus for researchers. Due to... -
A dataset of lake level changes in High Mountain Asia using multi-altimeter data
Lake water levels are important indicators of global environmental changes and dynamics of water resources. High Mountain Asia is a region dotted with lakes, and monitoring lake... -
The Canadian Ice Thickness Program
he Canadian Ice Thickness Program has two data collections that users can access anytime online: Ice Thickness Program Collection, 1947 to 2002 [XLS;4.1 MB] | Metadata Ice...