报告内容:全球气候和海洋变化对南极、格陵兰岛的冰川造成严重影响,已经导致极地冰川大范围的快速消融。 2003- 2019,极地冰川的消融已经导致全球海平面升高约14... -
报告内容:极地海冰及其雪盖是全球气候系统的重要组成部分,随着气候变暖,北极海冰的范围和厚度发生显著变化,对北极和北半球天气气候产生重要影响。卫星测高是获取海盆尺度海冰厚度的最主要手段,为气候研究和季节预测等关键应用提供重要支撑。本报告主要介绍海冰和冰上积雪厚度反演的现状和前沿性问题,重点介绍现有测高算法的不确定性和改进方法,以及冰上积雪重建的国际现状和... -
报告内容:全球和区域的水循环时空分布及变化特征研究中,现有能力的水平无论是模型预报还是观测方面还都相当有限。国际上现有的或规划近期发射的,针对水循环要素的地球观测卫星的测量能力还远不能满足水循环研究的需求。针对相关需求以及目前遥感监测中存在的缺陷和问题,创新性地设计和提出国际上第一颗新型自主的、多要素的综合水循环观测卫星-中法水循环观测卫星计划(Chi... -
IODP Bremen Core Repository
The Bremen Core Repository - BCR, for International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and Deep Sea... -
The CEDA Archive
The CEDA Archive accepts data relevant to Atmospheric Sciences and Earth ObservatiThe CEDA Archive operates the atmospheric and earth observation data centre functions on behalf... -
Data Center for Aurora in NIPR
PEDSC is responsible for data archiving and dissemination of all-sky camera observations, visual observations, other optical observations (such as TV and photometric... -
AnneBF/snownet: snownet_v1.1
As part of the preparation for the CIMR mission, we explore a new approach to retrieve snow depth on sea ice from multi-frequency satellite microwave radiometer measurements... -
ERMA with EPPR Arctic Oil Spill response Database
EPPR was established in 1991 and has been working since to enhance cooperation, information sharing, data collection and addressing gaps in the field of Arctic emergencies.... -
Operation Ice Bridge (OIB) Data
Operation Ice Bridge (OIB) was a flight campaign conducted in March and April 2009–2015 by NASA (Kurtz et al., 2013). The onboard snow radar provides snow depth measurements by... -
ICIMOD believes that access to timely and high-quality data is essential to promote and accelerate learning on the challenges facing mountain ecosystems and their people; enable... -
ICIMOD’s central document repository and online digital library, HimalDoc is a one-stop portal for publications, journal articles, reports, theses, photos, multimedia and other... -
This data base, sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, (SCAR), will host basic data from ice cores of the Antarctic Continent. The goal is to compile a... -
GAPHAZ Database
This database is a selection and overview of typical glacier and permafrost disasters in mountains. The database is by no means complete, nor are the disaster descriptions... -
Indian National Polar Data Center (NPDC)
Indian National Polar Data Center (NPDC) is an authoritative platform for managing and sharing data of Indian Polar Research. It covers data from a broad spectrum of... -
UNAVCO’s Geodetic Data Services
UNAVCO promotes research by providing access to data that our community of geodetic scientists uses for quantifying the motions of rock, ice and water that are monitored by a... -
A project database about projects that have taken place at Abisko Research Station, including metadata, is available at INTERACT-GIS on-line system.Monitoring data are available... -
The goal of this initiative is to develop a digital data base that contains all available bathymetric data north of 64° North, for use by mapmakers, researchers, institutions,... -
MFS database
The data offered includes the Mukhrino weather station database , theYugra State University Biological Collection Database, the Yugra State University Biological Collection (YSU... -
Netherlands Polar Data
Netherlands Polar Data Center (NPDC), part of the Netherlands Polar Program (NPP). The NPDC archives and provides access to the data of Polar Research by researchers funded by... -
Paleoclimatology Datasets
NCEI offers search and download of Paleoclimatic proxy data and Paleoclimate Reconstructions from the NOAA/World Data Service for Paleoclimatology archives. Over 10,000 data...