报告内容: 极地环境与气候的快速变化及其影响是全球科学界和政府最为关注的话题之一。极地自然环境恶劣,难以到达,因此观测数据极为缺乏,急需建立空天地海立体观监测平台以获取时空连续的极地数据,提升对极地环境与气候变化的认知水平,回答全球变化的关键科学问题,对极地和全球气候的未来变化做出准确预测。... -
数字极地报告_第五期(杨大庆-Enviroment Canada)
报告内容:Due to strong climate warming in the northern regions over the past several decades, arctic hydrology and permafrost have changed substantially. Many recent studies... -
报告内容:全球气候和海洋变化对南极、格陵兰岛的冰川造成严重影响,已经导致极地冰川大范围的快速消融。 2003- 2019,极地冰川的消融已经导致全球海平面升高约14... -
报告内容:... -
报告内容:极地海冰及其雪盖是全球气候系统的重要组成部分,随着气候变暖,北极海冰的范围和厚度发生显著变化,对北极和北半球天气气候产生重要影响。卫星测高是获取海盆尺度海冰厚度的最主要手段,为气候研究和季节预测等关键应用提供重要支撑。本报告主要介绍海冰和冰上积雪厚度反演的现状和前沿性问题,重点介绍现有测高算法的不确定性和改进方法,以及冰上积雪重建的国际现状和... -
报告内容:全球和区域的水循环时空分布及变化特征研究中,现有能力的水平无论是模型预报还是观测方面还都相当有限。国际上现有的或规划近期发射的,针对水循环要素的地球观测卫星的测量能力还远不能满足水循环研究的需求。针对相关需求以及目前遥感监测中存在的缺陷和问题,创新性地设计和提出国际上第一颗新型自主的、多要素的综合水循环观测卫星-中法水循环观测卫星计划(Chi... -
MODIS daily cloud-free snow cover products over Tibetan Plateau
Snow cover over Tibetan Plateau plays an important role in regional water andenergy circulation. Snow ablation also affects downstream rivers. Snow parameters and their longterm... -
Passive microwave remote sensing data of snow water equivalent in High Asia
High Asia is a high-altitude region in Asia dominated by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is an important distribution area for snow in the middle and low latitudes. The dynamic... -
Daily fractional snow cover dataset over High Mountain Asia
High Mountain Asia is an Asian high altitude area with the Tibetan Plateau as the main area and is also an important distribution area of low and middle latitude mountain snow.... -
Snow and ice melt onset time of High Mountain Asia (1979-2018)
High Asia is very sensitive to climate change and is a hot area of global change research. The changes in temperature and precipitation will be reflected in the freezing and... -
Dataset of MODIS-based Daily River Ice Fraction for the Arctic
Daily River Ice Fraction for the Arctic. -
Snow cover dataset based on optical instrument remote sensing with 1km spatia...
Snow cover dataset is produced by snow and cloud identification method based on optical instrument observation data, covering the time from 1989 to 2018 (two periods, from... -
Arctic sea ice melt pond fraction derived from MODIS
Melt pond fraction (MPF) on sea ice is an important factor for ice-albedo feedback throughout the Arctic Ocean. Based on The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer... -
Snow cover dataset based on multi-source remote sensing products blended with...
This dataset is blended by two other sets of data, snow cover dataset based on optical instrument remote sensing with 1km spatial resolution on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau... -
Dataset of MODIS-based Daily Lake Ice Extent and Coverage for the Arctic
MODIS-based Daily Lake Ice Extent and Coverage for the Arctic