Average permafrost distribution (2016-2035)
Latitude:89.8°~89.8°N; Longitude: 0.3°~359.8°S 0.5°× 0.5° Results of average permafrost extent variation in the Northern Hemisphere from 2016 to 2035 based on 21 global model... -
[EU-H2020]INTAROS Data Catalogue
Integrated Arctic observation system (INTAROS) is a research and innovation project funded by EC - H2020-BG-09-2016 for 5 years (2016-2021). INTAROS has a strong focus on... -
Dataset of MODIS-based Daily River Ice Fraction for the Arctic
Daily River Ice Fraction for the Arctic. -
Arctic sea ice melt pond fraction derived from MODIS
Melt pond fraction (MPF) on sea ice is an important factor for ice-albedo feedback throughout the Arctic Ocean. Based on The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer... -
Dataset of MODIS-based Daily Lake Ice Extent and Coverage for the Arctic
MODIS-based Daily Lake Ice Extent and Coverage for the Arctic