58 datasets found

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  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.10

    Abstract: The Arctic sea ice cover is reducing rapidly, which has strong local climate impacts but also remote effects over the Eurasian continent. Results will be presented...
  • SDGSAT(2023.07-2023.08)

    SDGSAT-1 satellite is designed for solar synchronous orbit, carrying three kinds of loads: high-resolution wide-width thermal infrared, low-light level and multispectral imager....
  • Precipitation data(2019/06-2019/09)

    This dataset is the GPM Level 3 IMERG Early Daily 10 x 10 km (GPM_3IMERGDE) derived from the half-hourly GPM_3IMERGHHE.
  • Sea ice drift field(2019/06-2019/09)

    The medium resolution sea ice drift product is a grid dataset. The grid has a spacing of 20 km on the polar stereoscopic projection map.
  • Total cloud cover(2019/06-2019/09)

    This parameter is the proportion of the grid frames covered by the cloud. Total cloud cover is a single-stage field of cloud computing that occurs according to different model...
  • 10m component of wind(2019/10-2019/10)

    This parameter is the northerly component of 10m wind. It is the horizontal speed at which the air moves northward, at an altitude of ten meters above the Earth's surface, in...
  • 2m temperature(2019/06-2019/09)

    This parameter is the air temperature 2m above the surface of land, sea or inland waters. The 2m temperature is calculated by interpolating between the lowest model level and...
  • Meteorological and Hydrological Data _ Water vapor(2019/06-2019/09)

    This parameter is a simplified representation of the amount of water evaporating from the Earth's surface, including transpiration (from vegetation), into vapor in the air above.
  • Radar satellite data (Sentinel-1 SAR)(2021/07-2021/11)

    sentinel-1 is composed of two polar-orbiting satellites A and B, equipped with C-band SAR sensors, and belongs to the active microwave remote sensing satellite.
  • Surface roughness(2019/06-2019/09)

    This parameter is the natural logarithm of the length of the heat roughness. The surface roughness of heat is a measure of the resistance of surface heat transfer. This...
  • Optical Satellite Data (MODIS)(2021/04-2021/07)

    The product is MODIS-L1B, the instrument-calibrated MODIS data product with the product number MOD02/MYD02, which was obtained on the Terra and Aqua satellites respectively and...
  • Significant height of combined wind waves and swell(2019/06-2019/09)

    This parameter represents the average height of the top third of the surface ocean/waves generated by wind and waves.
  • Mean sea level pressure(2019/01-2019/12)

    The unit of this parameter is the PASCAL (Pa). The surface pressure is usually measured in hPa, sometimes expressed in millibar's old unit mb (1 hPa = 1 mb = 100 Pa).
  • Sea surface temperature(2019/01-2019/12)

    NOAA 1/4° Daily Optimal Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature (OISST) is a long-term climate data record that incorporates observations from different platforms (satellites,...
  • Sea ice density data(2019/01-2019/12)

    The product is based on AMSR2(and AMSR-E) light temperature data and uses the ASI sea ice density algorithm to calculate daily near-real-time data products.
  • Sea ice thickness data(2019/06-2019/09)

    Depending on the temperature and salinity of the ice, the sea ice thickness is obtained from the SMOS L1C product, which is between 0.5-1 meters thick. The product complements...
  • Sea ice boundary line(2019/06-2019/09)

    Daily ice analysis chart, the product in yellow indicates marginal ice area (sea ice density ≤80%), and in red indicates dense floating ice (sea ice density > 80%).
  • Optical Satellite Data(2021/04-2021/11)

    High spatio-temporal resolution ice map ice water classification Remote sensing images (GF3, Landsat, Modis, Sentinel-1, SDG)
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.9

    Abstract: Landfast ice is nearly immobile sea ice attached to the coast.Landfast ice inhibits atmo- sphere-ocean fluxes of heat moisture, and momentumleads to offshore flaw...
  • CASIWAL Presentation NO.8

    Abstract: The polar ice sheets are a large store of freshwater in the global climate system.The Ant arctic and Greenland lce Sheets have an approximate water equivalent of 57m...