Sea ice density data
Visualization form: 1. Raster layer/and background map overlay display 2. Multi-year history layer overlay to draw a specified route history map -
Radar satellite data (Sentinel-1 SAR)
Radar satellite imagery data in the Arctic,Visualization: Raster layers/and background map overlays -
Optical Satellite Data (MODIS)
Optical satellite imagery data for the Arctic,Visualization: Raster layers/and background map overlays -
Vessel position data
Vector layers (point and line layers)/point sequences, track lines -
Basic geographic data
Map data in vector and raster formats,Visualization: Raster layer/background map -
Integrated Climate Data Center - ICDC
The Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) allows easy access to climate relevant data from in-situ measurements and satellite remote sensing. These data are important to... -
GTN-G data catalogue
The GTN-G, through its operational bodies, implements the global observation strategy for the Essential Climate Variable “glaciers and ice caps” by compiling and disseminating... -
GLIMS Glacier Viewer
The Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) project at NSIDC has implemented a database of glacier outlines from around the world and other information about glaciers... -
PolarWatch Data Catalog
PolarWatch extends the CoastWatch program by providing high-latitude satellite observation data to governmental, academic, commercial, and public users in support of broad... -
The LTER Data Portal
The LTER Data Portal offers a coordinated view of LTER data sets and is published by the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI), an environmental data repository that grew out of... -
Polar Science Center
The Polar Science Center conducts basic and applied research on the oceanography, climatology, meteorology, biology and ecology of the ice-covered regions on Earth and elsewhere...