48 datasets found

Organizations: INTAROS - Intergrated Arctic Observation System Formats: NetCDF

Filter Results
  • Sea ice density data

    Visualization form: 1. Raster layer/and background map overlay display 2. Multi-year history layer overlay to draw a specified route history map
  • Radar satellite data (Sentinel-1 SAR)

    Radar satellite imagery data in the Arctic,Visualization: Raster layers/and background map overlays
  • Optical Satellite Data (MODIS)

    Optical satellite imagery data for the Arctic,Visualization: Raster layers/and background map overlays
  • Vessel position data

    Vector layers (point and line layers)/point sequences, track lines
  • Basic geographic data

    Map data in vector and raster formats,Visualization: Raster layer/background map
  • [EU-H2020]INTAROS Data Catalogue

    Integrated Arctic observation system (INTAROS) is a research and innovation project funded by EC - H2020-BG-09-2016 for 5 years (2016-2021). INTAROS has a strong focus on...
  • GlobSnow Snow Extent (SE)

    The GlobSnow SE processing system applies optical measurements in the visual-to-thermal part of the electromagnetic spectrum acquired by the ERS-2 sensor ATSR-2 and the Envisat...
  • GlobSnow Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)

    The GlobSnow SWE record, based on methodology by Pulliainen (Pulliainen 2006, Takala et al.2011) utilizes a data-assimilation based approach combining space-borne passive...