27 datasets found

Tags: Antarctica

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  • 数字极地报告_第二期(徐世明-清华大学地球系统科学系)

  • 数字极地报告_第一期(施建成-中科院国家空间科学中心)

  • GAPHAZ Database

    This database is a selection and overview of typical glacier and permafrost disasters in mountains. The database is by no means complete, nor are the disaster descriptions...

    A project database about projects that have taken place at Abisko Research Station, including metadata, is available at INTERACT-GIS on-line system.Monitoring data are available...
  • NGA Arctic Open Data Search

    Welcome to NGA's Open Data Application where publicly released data and services can be discovered, viewed, and downloaded in a variety of formats. Simply use the search bar at...
  • Antarctic Protected Areas Database

    The database contains the texts of the management plans for Antarctic SpeciallyProtected Areas and Antarctic Specially Managed Areas, their legal status, location in the...
  • Antarctican and Greenland Ice sheet snowmelt extent

    Microwave radiometer and microwave scatterometer are used to obtain the freezing and thawing data of the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. The coverage time of microwave...