24 datasets found

Licenses: License not specified Organizations: Dalian University of Technology

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  • 数字极地报告_第二期(徐世明-清华大学地球系统科学系)

  • 数字极地报告_第一期(施建成-中科院国家空间科学中心)

  • A data set of in situ measurement of summer Arctic sea ice physical properties

    With the global warming, the summer Arctic sea ice has experienced a series of changes. For example, the sea ice extent and thickness are reduced. Temperature, salinity and...
  • Ice Mass Balance Buyo data deployed in Arctic on 10.08.2018

    Two sets of Ice Mass Balance buyo were deployed in Arctic during the CHINARE9. One works for 9 months and the other works for 14 months. Temperature profiles of...