North Slope Science Catalog
The North Slope Science Catalog facilitates the discovery, distribution and preservation of scientific data and information products. These products assist agencies,... -
Antarctic Protected Areas Database
The database contains the texts of the management plans for Antarctic SpeciallyProtected Areas and Antarctic Specially Managed Areas, their legal status, location in the... -
Ecological Data Center of Sanjiangyuan National Park
为了更好支持三江源国家公园的建设,在青海省重大科技专项“三江源国家公园星空地一体化生态监测及数据平台建设和开发应用”的支持下,构建三江源星-空-地一体化生态监测数据平台,显著提升三江源国家公园生态监测覆盖程度和多源异构数据融合能力。 -
EMODnet Central Portal
EMODnet - your gateway to marine data in Europe - holds a wealth of marine data. There are 8 thematic portals in a consortium made up of more than 160 organisations assembling... -
The Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS)
The Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) provides a suite of tools and services for free public access to marine geoscience research data acquired throughout the global oceans... -
PolarWatch Data Catalog
PolarWatch extends the CoastWatch program by providing high-latitude satellite observation data to governmental, academic, commercial, and public users in support of broad... -
Canadian Cryospheric Information Network
The Canadian Cryospheric Information Network (CCIN) and the Polar Data Catalogue (PDC) have been developed over the past two decades through collaborative partnerships between... -
ABoVE Science Cloud
The NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) has partnered with the NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Office (CCE Office) to create a high performance science cloud for this... -
U.S. Antarctic Program Data Center (USAP-DC)
The U.S. Antarctic Program Data Center (USAP-DC) supports investigators funded by the National Science Foundation in documenting, preserving, and disseminating their research... -
High Mountain Asia Near-Global Multi-Decadal Glacial Lake Inventory
This data set contains polygons of glacial lake extent on a near-global scale, averaged over five multi-year periods between 1990 and 2018. using optical imagery from Landsat... -
RIMS Core Data
The subject of this web site is the near-real time monitoring of pan- Arctic water budgets and river discharge to the Arctic Ocean. The geography and dynamics of water across... -
SCAR Antarctic Biodiversity Portal
The SCAR Antarctic Biodiversity Portal (biodiversity.aq) is an international effort that seeks to increase our knowledge and understanding of Antarctic and Southern Ocean... -
Australian Antarctic Data Centre(AADC)
biodiversity.aq provides access to both marine and terrestrial Antarctic biodiversity data. Antarctic marine and terrestrial biodiversity data is widely scattered, patchy and... -
Nordicana D
Nordicana series D is a formatted, online data report series archived at CEN. It is produced only in electronic form and is freely and openly accessible to CEN researchers and... -
Snow and ice melt onset time of High Mountain Asia (1979-2018)
High Asia is very sensitive to climate change and is a hot area of global change research. The changes in temperature and precipitation will be reflected in the freezing and... -
Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
A central part of GEO’s Mission is to build the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). GEOSS is a set of coordinated, independent Earth observation, information and... -
The LTER Data Portal
The LTER Data Portal offers a coordinated view of LTER data sets and is published by the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI), an environmental data repository that grew out of... -
The GCW Data Portal
The GCW Data Portal, hosted by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute ("MetNo") at http://gcw.met.no, is a mechanism to provide access to relevant cryosphere datasets and... -
EOL data archive
The EOL data archive contains atmospheric, meteorological, and other geophysical datasets from operational sources and the scientific research programs and projects for which... -
Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) Datasets
The uniqueness of the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) is demonstrated by the huge variety and nature of the data collected. Simultaneously collecting data and...