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Data and Resources
"EuroGOOS is an association of national governmental agencies, research...
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Last Updated | April 12, 2022, 12:06 (UTC) |
Created | April 6, 2022, 04:31 (UTC) |
Country | International |
Data Management | "Several initiatives exist within Europe for ocean data management, which are now coordinated under the umbrella of EuroGOOS. EuroGOOS is committed to developing operational oceanography capacity for Europe, within the context of the intergovernmental Global Ocean Observing System(GOOS). The scope of EuroGOOS is wide and its needs are only partially addressed by the on-going development within Copernicus, SeaDataNet and other EU initiatives. Therefore to improve the quantity, quality and accessibility of marine information, to support decision making and to open up new economic opportunities in the marine and maritime sectors of Europe for the benefit of European citizens and the global community, it was agreed at the annual EuroGOOS meeting in 2010 that it is essential to meet the following needs: · Provision of easy access to data through standard generic tools, easy means of using the datawithout having to be concerned about data processing and who processes them, and that adequate metadata are available to describe how the data were processed. · To combine in situ-observation data with other information (e.g. satellite images or model outputs) in order to derive new products, build new services or enable better-informed decision-making. The ocean data management and exchange process within EuroGOOS are intended to reduce duplication ofeffort among agencies, improve quality and reduce costs related to geographic information, thus making oceanographic data more accessible to the public and helping to establish key partnerships to increase data availability. In addition,a EuroGOOS data management system will deliver a system that will meet European needs, in terms of standards and respecting the structures of the contributing organizations. The structure will include: · Observation data providers, which can be operational agencies, marine research centres, universities, national oceanographic data centres and satellite data centres. · Integrators of marine data, such as the Copernicus in-situ data thematic centre(for access to near real-time data acquired by continuous, automatic and permanent observation networks) or the SeaDataNet infrastructure(for quality controlled, long-term time series acquired by all ocean observation initiatives, missions, or experiments), ICES and EurOBlS for biodiversity observations, and the new European Marine Observation and Data Network(EMODnet) portals. · The integrators that will support both data providers willing to share their observation data, and users who want to access oceanographic data from a range of providers encompassing multiple types of data from multiple regions. They also develop new services to facilitate data access and increase the use of both existing and new observational data. · Links with international and cross-disciplinary initiatives such as GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems), both for technical solutions to improve harmonization as well as for dissemination of AtlantOS data in an interdisciplinary global context. For data management activities, the AtlantOs project takes advantage of these existing and now cooperating systems." |
Data Policy | "NOTING: (1) WMO Resolution 40(Cg-Xll)-WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on relationships in commercial meteorological activities, (2) The Decision of the Commission for the European Union dated 21.10.1999 regarding ECOMET Economic Interest Grouping according to Belgium Law, (3) The UN convention of 1998 on the access to information, public participation in decision- making and access to justice in environmental matters (the Aarhus-Convention) (4) Council Directive 90/313/EEC of June 1990 on the freedom of access to information on the environment, (5) Directive 96/9/EC of The European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on thel legal protection of databases, RECALLING: (1) The present GOOS Policy for exchange of data and products CONSIDERING: (1) The continuing fundamental importance, for the provision of oceanographic services in all countries, of the exchange of oceanographic and related data and products between EuroGOOS Members, (2) Other programmes of world importance and the ocean observing and Marine Meteorological programmes under JCOMM, (3) The basic role of EuroGOOS Members to furthering applications of oceanography to all human activities, (4) The call by world leaders at UNCED(Brazil,1992) for increasing global commitment to exchange scientific data and analysis and for promoting access to strengthening systematic observations, (5) The provisions in the UN/FCCC committing all Parties to the Convention to promote and co- operate in the full, open and prompt exchange of information related to the climate system and climate change, (6) UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, especially those articles on international data exchange:200,244.2,249.1(c),249.1(d) and 277(e). RECOGNISING: (1) The increasing requirement for the global exchange of all types of environmental data and in particular ocean data, (2) The basic responsibility for the Members to provide universal services in support of safety, security and economic benefits for the peoples in their countries, (3) The dependence of Members on the stable, co-operative international exchange of data and products for the discharge of their responsibilities, (4) The continuing requirement for Govemments to provide for the oceanographic infrastructure of their countries, (5) The continuing need for, and benefits from, strengthening the capabilities of Members, in particular in developing countries, to improve the provision of services, (6) The dependence of the research and education communities on access to oceanographic and related data and products, (7) The right of Governments to choose the manner by, and the extent to, which they make data and products available domestically or for international exchange. RECOGNISING FURTHER: (1) The existence of a trend towards the commercialisation of many oceanographic and related services and products, (2) The requirement by some Governments that the Members initiate or increase their commercial activities. (3) The risk arising from the commercialisation to the established system of free and unrestricted exchange of data and products, which forms the basis for the European co-operation in oceanography, (4) The EU-principle that all data and products, financed with public means and used by public entities for commercial activities shall also be available to other Service Providers. ADoPTs the basic principles for the exchange of oceanographic and related data and products: (1) Exchange on a free and unrestricted basis of essential, additional and other data and products between the Members of EuroGOOS, (2) The right for the originator of data and products to place conditions on additional and other data and product for re-distribution for commercial purposes, (3) Free and unrestricted access to data and products for non-commercial research and education, (4) All data and products that is financed with public means and used for commercial purposes must be available for other Service Providers, (5) Transparency regarding availability, prices and conditions for re-distribution regarding oceanographic and related data and products through the maintenance of a EuroGOoS Product Catalogue, These principles are in harmony with WMO Res.40 and the EU Commissions decision regarding ECOMET." |
Data Sharing Principle | "FURTHER ADOPTS the following practice on the international exchange of oceanographic and related data and products (1) Members shall provide on a free and unrestricted basis essential data and products which are necessary for the provision of services in support of the protection of life and property and the well-being of all nations, particularly those data and products, as, at a minimum described in Annex 1 to this document, required to support WMO or GOOS Programmes; (2) Members should also provide additional data and products which are required to sustain programmes at the global, regional and national levels and, further as agreed, to assist other Members in the provision of oceanographic services in their countries. While increasing the volume of data and products available to all Members by providing the additional data andproducts, it is understood that EuroGOOS Members may be justified in placing conditions on their re-delivery for commercial purposes; (3) Members shall also provide to anybody all other data and products which are used in commercial activities and which have been funded through corefinfrastructure activity or government grants. It is hereby understood that Members may be justified in placing conditions on their re-distibution for commercial purposes as well as to charge for the information and the delivery; (4) Members should provide to the research and education communities, for their non-commercial activities, free and unrestricted access to all data and products exchanged under the auspices of this document with the understanding that their commercial activities are subject to the same conditions identified in FURTHER ADOPTS(2) and (3) above; URGES Members to: (1) Strengthen their commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of oceanographic and related data and products; (2) Increase the volume of data and products exchanged under the auspices of this document; (3) Assist other Members, to the extent possible, and as agreed, by providing additional data and products in support of time-sensitive operations regarding oceanographic and environmental warnings, rescue operations and safety of life at sea; (4) Strengthen their commitment in their collection and supply of oceanographic and related data and products; (5) Implement the practice on the international exchange of oceanographic and related data end products, as described in ADOPTS(1) to(4) above, (6) Make known to all Members those oceanographic and related data and products which have conditions related to their re-distribution for commercial purposes; (7) Make their best efforts to ensure that the conditions which have been applied by the originator of additional and other data and products are complied with and made known to initial and subsequent recipients;" |
Database Level | International/Regional |
FIAR | No |
Host Institute | Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) |
Opening Degree | Open |
Organizer | European Global Ocean Observing System |
Region | Arctic |
Source of Data Policy | Own |
Theme | Marine |