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Last Updated | April 5, 2022, 7:03 AM (UTC+00:00) |
Created | April 5, 2022, 7:03 AM (UTC+00:00) |
Data Management | "The collective term ‘CCAMLR data’ refers to data which are submitted to the Secretariat by CCAMLR Members to support the policy, scientific and administrative work of the Commission and Scientific Committee and to give effect to Article XX of the Convention. CCAMLR data may also be submitted by Non-Contracting Parties participating in CCAMLR activities such as the Catch Documentation Scheme. The CCAMLR Secretariat’s data management systems provide the secure environment in which CCAMLR data are managed and made available to the CCAMLR community and other users in accordance with the rules for access and use of CCAMLR data ( These data include structured data (data reported in fixed fields within a record or file, e.g. an observer logbook) and unstructured information (data or information that are not reported in a traditional row-column format, e.g. a document1). The Secretariat’s governance of CCAMLR data aspires to best practice and international standards to improve the quality and availability of data and information, ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data and information, promote the integration of data and information, support effective business processes and informed decision making through accurate data, and reduce Secretariat costs through efficient management of data and information. As requested by WG-SAM-16, this paper provides background, key achievements to date and plans for on-going work associated with the redevelopment of CCAMLR’s data management systems and CCAMLR databases. It updates Members on key tasks associated with transition to the data warehouse, data extracts and metadata, and the establishment of a data management group, and outlines the anticipated changes, and associated benefits, for users of CCAMLR data. The user community can expect improvements in data quality assurance2 (DQA), database documentation and ease of use as the new system is progressively rolled out, including increased: Integration across CCAMLR data - Integration provides the benefit of being able to systematically use data from various data collection systems to enhance the quality and value of each data source (e.g. vessel reported data, observer collected data, vessel monitoring and catch documentation systems), leading to more consistent, reliable and timely delivery of data. User-focussed documentation supporting CCAMLR data systems and CCAMLR data – CCAMLR data users require a deep understanding of the structure and meaning of the data being used. Gaining a better understanding of CCAMLR data starts with access to clear documentation of the datasets (entities), and associated data items (attributes) within each dataset, and should include the data source(s) and data collection regime(s), and the application of DQA. All uses of the same data item regardless of the source or purpose will use the same name. Assurances regarding CCAMLR data quality - Data users require full traceability of data from submission to data delivery. On submission of data, corrections and assumptions must be fully auditable. Modern data systems are expected to support traceability and reversibility. Automated and manual mark up of data (e.g. data corrections), auditable event logs, and the ability to undo/modify/redo any corrections all become metadata that are securely managed to provide a complete history of the data life cycle. Availability of metadata - Data are most valuable when they are accompanied by metadata1 describing where the data came from, if and how the data were processed and transformed, how to interpret the data and how DQA was implemented. Metadata facilitates the CCAMLR datasets to be searchable, discoverable and potentially shareable (under the specified data security provisions). Engagement, transparency and functionality of data submission - The process of submitting data should be completely transparent and engage with data submitters. Data submission should be supported by standard operating procedures, data quality feedback, visualisations adding value to the submitted data, and training and documentation to ensure best practice and productivity gains are realised. Standard tools for the collection and transmission of data will be explored in particular the evolution of e-reporting platforms. Submitted data should be visible to the data provider with appropriate audit controls indicating who provided the data and when a submission was made. Dissemination of CCAMLR data - Data access must be convenient and systematic based on strict and agreed security protocols. As CCAMLR metadata increase in visibility, requests for access to secure data will undoubtedly increase. Data requests should be supported and facilitated with a rigorous and efficient approval process. Authoritative data (i.e. CCAMLR is the issuing authority), in particular CCAMLR management areas, will be accessible as a web service for assimilation by external users an" |
Data Policy | "The following Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data were adopted by the Twenty-Second Meeting of the Commission (CCAMLR-XXII, paragraphs 12.1 to 12.6)1: It is recognised that: All data submitted to the CCAMLR Secretariat, and maintained by the CCAMLR Data Centre, shall be freely available to Members for analysis and preparation of documents for the Commission, Scientific Committee and their subsidiary bodies. Such data may be analysed in respect of: work specifically outlined and endorsed by the Commission or Scientific Committee; work not specifically endorsed by the Commission or the Scientific Committee. Inclusion of data, analyses or results from data held in the CCAMLR Data Centre into Working Papers, Background Papers, and any other documents tabled at meetings of the Commission, Scientific Committee or one of their subsidiary bodies does not constitute publication and therefore is not a release into the public domain. Inclusion of data held in the CCAMLR Data Centre into the published reports of the Commission, Scientific Committee, Working Groups, CCAMLR Science, the Statistical Bulletin or any other CCAMLR publication constitutes release into the public domain. Inclusion of data held in the CCAMLR Data Centre in any publication outside CCAMLR constitutes release into the public domain. Subject to paragraphs (1) to (3), originators/owners of data have the right to: be consulted (including assignation of authorship) on the preparation, if necessary including publication, of documents describing analyses and interpretation of their data; approve the level of detail revealed in documents using their data; stipulate terms and/or levels of data security if necessary. Accordingly, Requests to the Secretariat for access and/or use of data maintained by the CCAMLR Data Centre by individual Member scientists/officials shall be approved in writing as appropriate by that Member’s Commission Representative, Scientific Committee image 1 These rules replace those adopted at the Eleventh Meeting of the Commission (CCAMLR-XI, paragraph 4.35). The current ‘Rules for Access to CDS Data’ (CCAMLR-XIX, paragraph 5.23) should remain in place alongside the new standard rules until such times as all aspects of CDS data handling are duly taken into account in the new standard rules (CCAMLR-XXII, paragraph 7.22). 133 Access to CCAMLR Data Representative, or CDS Officer in consultation with the Commission Representative. Members are responsible for informing individual scientists or individuals requesting data of the rules governing access and use of CCAMLR data and for obtaining agreement to comply with such rules. Requests in support of analyses endorsed under (2)(a) above should include the type of data requested, the degree of data aggregation required, the spatial and temporal detail required, and the anticipated format to be used in presenting results of the analyses. For such requests, the Secretariat shall ensure that each request meets the conditions of the approval granted for the original endorsement, and, if so, release the data and inform the data owner(s)/originator(s) accordingly. Release of data by the Secretariat to the requestor does not constitute permission to publish or release data into the public domain. Such permission remains a matter to be determined between the requestor and the data originator(s). Requests in support of non-endorsed analyses under (2)(b) above should include the information listed in (8) as well as details of the analytical procedures to be used and the opportunity for data owner(s)/originator(s) to be involved. For such requests, the Secretariat shall be satisfied that each request contains the required information before forwarding it to the data originator(s) for approval within a specified time period. Once approval has been received the Secretariat shall release the data. Release of data does not constitute permission to publish or for release into the public domain. Such permission remains a matter to be determined between the requestor and the data owner(s)/originator(s). If approval for data release under (9) is not forthcoming within the specified period, the Secretariat shall initiate and facilitate consultation between the data requestor and data owner(s)/originator(s). The Secretariat shall not release data without the written approval of the data owner(s)/originator(s). Failure to achieve agreement shall be brought to the attention of the Scientific Committee and Commission. The following statement shall be placed on the cover page of all Working Papers, Background Papers and any other papers tabled at meetings of the Commission, Scientific Committee or their subsidiary bodies: ‘This paper is presented for consideration by CCAMLR and may contain unpublished data, analyses, and/or conclusions subject to change. Data in this paper shall not be cited or used for purposes other than the work of the CCAMLR Commission, Scientific Committee or their subsidiary bodies without the permission of the originators and/or owners of the data.’" |
Data Sharing Principle | "The availability of data maintained on behalf of the Commission by the Secretariat is governed by Rules for the Access and Use of CCAMLR Data. Access and use falls under five general categories: With the exception of STATLANT data (see 2 below), CDS data (see 3 below) and VMS data (see 4 below), all CCAMLR data are subject to the Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data (20.18 KB). Under the terms of these rules, data are freely available to Member countries for analysis and preparation of documents for the Commission, Scientific Committee and their subsidiary bodies. STATLANT data are held in the public domain and are freely available. These data are transmitted to FAO and some Regional Bodies, and summary statistics are published annually in the CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin (2.2 MB) and other publications such as the FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics. CDS data are subject to the Rules for Access to Catch Documentation Scheme Data (16.01 KB). The release of VMS data is subject to the provisions on secure and confidential treatment of electronic reports and messages outlined in Annex B of Conservation Measure 10-04. Copies of data held by other organisations (i.e. non-CCAMLR datasets) are subject to terms specified by each parent organisation. Generally, these terms allow free access and use of the data. Data requests may be submitted by emailing the Data Centre. Requests should specify the type of data, spatial and temporal coverage (e.g. areas and seasons) and proposed use of the data. Where possible, requests should be endorsed by the national representative to CCAMLR and the proposed use of the data should make specific reference to the work of the Commission or Scientific Committee." |