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"SeaDataNet has federated open digital repositories to manage, access and share data, information, products and knowledge originating from oceanographic fleets, new automatic observation systems and space sensors.

By use of standards for communication and new developments in information technology, in-situ and satellite marine data platforms are providing metadata, data and products as a unique virtual data centre."

Data and Resources

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Last Updated April 12, 2022, 12:13 (UTC)
Created April 6, 2022, 04:43 (UTC)
Country Netherland
Data Management "In order to maximize the usability of data and thereby their value, SeaDataNet supplies meta-data and, if available, data quality indicators. All data, including meta-data and quality indicators, are made available by using standard coding formats and protocols to the greatest extent possible. Data Sets Integration Uniformity of data format and quality have a high priority. All data and related meta-data and quality indicators should be submitted by using standard codes, formats, and protocols referenced in the project handbook. Quality Assurance SeaDataNet develops and applies quality assurance procedures as appropriate and feasible, and in cooperation with data sources and other organizations. The data source always retains complete responsibility for data quality. To indicate the quality control that has been applied to a specific data set, SeaDataNet utilises quality flags. The system allows re-submission of data throughout the quality control process, and thus also allow for accelerated submission of data. The reporting of suspected errors in the data will be facilitated, and that information relayed to the respective data source so corrections can be made. Preservation of data For SeaDataNet to succeed, the TA data centres must assure archival systems, so that the collected data, images, products and meta-data may be safeguarded for future analysis. Inventories of data, images and products and related meta-data should be readily accessible and updated as needed on a routine basis. Long-term survival, integrity, and access to SeaDataNet data will be preserved for future generations by the TA data centres. image"
Data Policy "SeaDataNet has defined an overarching SeaDataNet Data policy, that aims to strike a balance between the rights of investigators and the need for widespread access through the free and unrestricted sharing and exchange of SeaDataNet data, meta-data and data products. The final goal of this policy is to serve the scientific community, public organisations, and environmental agencies, and to facilitate the production of advice and status reports by stating the conditions for data submission, access and use. This policy applies to data managed by SeaDataNet partners for providing access to data managed in the SeaDataNet distributed systems. By maximizing the availability of data to the community at large, SeaDataNet promotes the use of these data, thereby ensuring that their maximum value can be realized and thus contribute to an increased understanding of the marine environment. The SeaDataNet data policy is consistent with, and in the spirit of, national and international policies and laws. Applicable policies or laws are those related to UN conventions, policies of international bodies often within the UN, policies and laws of the European Union. The SeaDataNet data policy is intended to be fully compatible with the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on public access to environmental information, the INSPIRE Directive, IOC, ICES, WMO, GCOS, GEOSS and CLIVAR data principles. Part of the SeaDataNet Data Policy is the SeaDataNet User Licence, to which every user agrees as part of the User Registration . The Licence incorporates the following terms: 1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to retrieve and use data sets and products from the SeaDatanet service in accordance with this licence. 2. Retrieval, by electronic download, and the use of Data Sets is free of charge, unless otherwise stipulated. 3. Regardless of whether the data are quality controlled or not, SeaDataNet and the data source do not accept any liability for the correctness and/or appropriate interpretation of the data. Interpretation should follow scientific rules and is always the user's responsibility. Correct and appropriate data interpretation is solely the responsibility of data users. 4. Users must acknowledge data sources. It is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution or co-authorship. Any person making substantial use of data must communicate with the data source prior to publication, and should possibly consider the data source(s) for co-authorship of published results. 5. Data Users should not give to third parties any SeaDataNet data or product without prior consent from the source Data Centre. 6. Data Users must respect any and all restrictions on the use or reproduction of data. The use or reproduction of data for commercial purpose might require prior written permission from the data source."
Data Sharing Principle " SeaDataNet makes data available freely and without restriction. “Freely” means at no more than the cost of reproduction and delivery, without charge for the data itself. “Without restriction” means without discrimination against, for example, individuals, research groups, or nationality. SeaDataNet makes data available in a timely and easy way to users, but SeaDataNet remains dependent on data contributions. SeaDataNet uses the most adapted and recent advances in communication to ensure widespread access to data collected under auspices of the programme. The SeaDataNet website is the focus point for dissemination. According to the different types of assets, the access conditions vary: meta-data are freely accessible without any condition. data and products require: registration acceptance of additional conditions that may be requested by the different nodes of the distributed database. The access rights are granted according to the “role” of the user. acceptance of an user licence. Metadata free and open access, no registration required each data centre is obliged to provide the meta-data in standardized format to populate the catalogue services Data and products visualisation freely available the general case is free and without restriction (e.g. academic purposes) however (due to national policies) mandatory user registration is required (using Single Sign One (SSO) Service) a “SeaDataNet role” (partner, academic, commercial etc.) is attributed to individual user using the Authentication, Authorization and Administration (AAA) Service Each NODC attributes the roles to the users of its of country Out of the partnership, the roles are assigned by SeaDataNet user-desk When register, the user must accept the SDN licence agreement each data centre node delivers data according to the user’s role and its local regulation each data centre should provide freely the data sets necessary to develop the common products"
Database Level International/Regional
Host Institute Royal NIOZ, the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Opening Degree Restricted Open
Organizer Royal NIOZ, the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Region Global
Source of Data Policy Own
Theme Marine