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Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre

The Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC) is an Open Access Circum-Arctic Geospatial Data Portal that promotes, describes and visualizes geospatial permafrost data. A data catalogue and a WebGIS application allow to easily discover and view data and metadata. Data can be downloaded directly via link to the publishing data repository.

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Last Updated May 26, 2021, 02:08 (UTC)
Created October 25, 2020, 08:36 (UTC)
Country Germany
Data Management All SCAR -endorsed Projects should be required to prepare a Data Management Plan which outlines how any data captured, modelled or acquired will be managed both during the life of the project and beyond. All Data Management Plans should articulate the resources required to implement the plan and outline where data will be hosted for long-term curation A Data Management Plan template is attached to theSCAR Data and Information Strategy, which demonstrates the types of issues to be considered in such a Plan (see SCAR DIMS Appendix 2).
Data Policy The data available in this database has been shared by individual scientists or teams with the scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights and that the addressing global scientific problems requires international cooperation. Part of the data have been acquired in the context of national and international research projects and in these cases specific project policies could apply (see the project interfaces). In the view of a simplification of the existing policies, data access and data use regulations have been separated and each of them has two possible options, explained below.
Data Sharing Principle The Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, offers a public media centre. Here we show pictures of remote places of the world and extreme conditions. Most pictures were taken by scientist and engineers during research expeditions and those individuals retain the copyright to their images. The copyright remains with the photographer. Pictures can be used pursuant the terms of use and the licence documented in the image data. The exact usage rights are stored in the metadata (IPTC) of images. Metadata may not be changed or removed. The AWI gives two different license types. Creative Commons Licence - Public Media Centre Under the creative commons licence CC-BY 4.0 the AWI places images, which can be used freely – given the regarding copyright annotation which are provided in the metadata. The copyright annotation has the following form: Alfred-Wegener-Institut/[name of the photographer] (CC-BY 4.0) Trademark: The creative commons licence does not extend to the AWI logo and its components, nor to elements of the AWI corporate identity. The AWI logo – also if fixed on any of the research infrastructures – is not allowed to be used without an existing permission of utilisation granted by the AWI. Licence for editorial use - Media Centre for Journalists Images, those rights of further circulation are limited, are provided with a licence for editorial use only. They can only be used in editorially generated media. The licence explicitly excludes the usage of the images for advertising and commercial use beyond editorial media.