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SISMER (Scientific Information Systems for the Sea)

SISMER (Scientific Information Systems for the Sea) is Ifremer's service in charge of managing numerous marine databases and information systems which Ifremer is responsible for implementing.The information systems managed by SISMER range from CATDS (SMOS satellite data) to geoscience data (bathymetry, seismics, geological samples), not forgetting water column data (physics and chemistry, data for operational oceanography – Coriolis - Copernicus CMEMS), fisheries data (Harmonie), coastal environment data (Quadrige 2) and deep-sea environment data (Archimède).

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Last Updated April 8, 2022, 10:12 (UTC)
Created April 6, 2022, 04:36 (UTC)
Country France
Data Management "Marine observation is expensive, given the costs of the vessels and equipment required. Furthermore, it is often not reproducible as the sea is a highly variable environment, at time intervals ranging from very short (waves, tides, etc.) to very long (climate change, species evolution, geology of the seabed and sub-bottom, etc.). The conservation of marine observation data is an economic factor but also a scientific challenge for reconstructing time series in order to illustrate this variability. It is a true heritage, however it has been shown that if the observations are not professionally archived, over 30% of the data are lost and are unusable ten years after their acquisition. Ifremer has been commissioned to manage marine information and data. The decree by which it was established states (Chapter 1, article 4, paragraph 6) that the institute is tasked with ""collecting, distributing and promoting national and international information"". Ifremer's role is to implement the procedures and computer systems required to receive the data, format and control it, reference it, ensure its long term preservation, its availability and its distribution, via online portals or upon request. The data are distributed in accordance with rules established in agreement with the scientific teams which collected the information, in compliance with the relevant national and international directives (Aarhus Convention, INSPIRE Directive, for instance) and the discipline's quality standards. To fulfil these objectives, Ifremer, either alone or with its partners who work actively in the marine environment – the French geological survey BRGM, France's National Centre for Space Studies CNES, the National Center for Scientific Research CNRS (INSU), the National Research Institute for Sustainable Development IRD, the French Navy hydrographic and oceanographic service SHOM – has developed databases in the fields of hydrology (physics and chemistry of the ocean surface and water column), geoscience (geophysics and geology of the seafloor and sub-bottom), the coastal and deep-sea environment (plankton, contaminants, ecosystems and biology of organisms, etc.), fisheries (evaluation of resources and uses). Ifremer is also a driver in promoting the interoperability of databases, based on standardised services, within French institutional networks led by the Ministry of Ecology such as the Water Information System, the Fisheries and Aquaculture Information System, as well as at European level with the research infrastructure SeaDataNet, the ""European Marine Observation and Data Network"" (EMODnet) and through major international programmes such as Argo or the International Oceanographique Data Exchange (IODE) programme of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission."
Data Policy "LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF DATA The management, and more particularly the dissemination, of marine data is governed by several international conventions and European directives, which aim to ensure broad access to environmental observation data, but which also specify some restrictions (protection of the economic resources of countries, protection of sensitive sites, protection of individual data). In the marine domain, the main texts are: at internationallevel: The International Convention on the Law of the Sea , which defines maritime areas (exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, high seas,…, for example) and the rights and duties of States in these areas: navigation, exploitation of economic resources, protection of the marine environment; The Aarhus Convention, approved subsequently on 17 February 2005 by the European Community in the form of directive 2003/4/CE; at Europeanlevel: The European Directive INSPIRE (2007/2/EC) dated 14 March 2007, which aims to establish a geographical information infrastructure within the European Community to promote the protection of the environment; The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) of 17 June 2008, which establishes a framework for community action in the political domain for the marine environment; The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) which establishes a framework for an overall community policy in the domain of water (transitional waters and coastal waters for the marine domain); in France, by the ratification of the above texts and also by article 7 of the 2004 Environmental Charter (constitutional law n° 2005-205 dated 1st March 2005), which gives a constitutional right of access to information relative to the environment held by the public authorities."
Data Sharing Principle "DATA ACCESS CONDITIONS The observation data for the marine environment is governed by a legal framework that specifies broad dissemination of environmental information. Furthermore, Ifremer is admittedly an important contributor of observations and information on the ocean, but it is also a user of data provided by other international, European or French organisations. In this context, Ifremer promotes the sharing of information through its involvement in several major international programmes, such as the IODE (""International Oceanographic Data Exchange"") programme from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, observation programmes Argo and Gosud, and European platforms for the sharing of marine data, such as SeaDataNet (Research infrastructure - DG-Research) and EMODNET (European Marine Observation and Data Network- DG-Mare). Consequently, access to data and information referenced on this portal is, unless stated to the contrary, free for non-commercial activities, notably research, education and scientific support to public policies. However, and in accordance with the legal framework in force, access to data is subject to regulatory exceptions and the following supplementary provisions: Dissemination is restricted in the following cases (exceptions mentioned by the INSPIRE Directive): protection of sensitive environmental zones or ecosystems, protection of the economic interests (mineral or biological resources,…) or strategic interests of France, protection of the interests of third countries (surveys in territorial waters, the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf), protection of individual data, data acquired in a contractual framework with non-dissemination clauses. The person in charge of the observation mission (particularly the chief scientist of a cruise) may, upon request, have an exclusive period of two years for the scientific exploitation of the acquired data. This period may be renewed no more than twice, upon explicit and justified request from the chief scientist, to take into account the sometimes long periods of processing and analysis of the results and analysis of the collected samples. The sources of data used must be cited in any scientific publication. The use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) is recommended. The data accessed may not be redistributed to third parties without the explicit consent of Ifremer. The use of data for services that are not free, including the supply of derivative products not distributed freely, is subject to a usage contract. In this case, please contact the SISMER service, which will prepare a commercial proposal with Ifremer's relevant services. The access to very voluminous data which cannot be made available online, or requests for extractions or compilations of data, will be invoiced according to the time spent at the current rate applied at Ifremer (marginal costs are invoiced). In order to ensure compliance with these rules, in some cases, data access requires a password, which may be obtained online. The data and information referenced in this portal is deemed to have been observed and prepared in accordance with best scientific practice at the time of its generation. The observation context, quality indicators and usage limits are specified in the descriptions (metadata) and/or the data. However, Ifremer shall not be held liable for any consequences related to their use or interpretation."